Wednesday, July 24, 2019

On Page SEO Techniques

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is a method of performing modifications within the web pages in order to rank higher.
On-Page SEO

A snippet is defined as a piece of information shown in a search result. A basic snippet consists of,

Different On-Page Optimization Techniques

Title Optimization

    Title tags
  • The characters in a title tag are limited to 55 to 60 characters.
  • The title tag must be doesn't exceed 512 pixels. Some letters take more pixels according to the letter width.
  • Spelling mistakes in SEO title greatly affect the website than other mistakes.
  • The SEO title must contain 3 or more words. Because the google extract information for showing the search result is from this SEO title. Less than 3 words in the title did not give proper information for google.
  • SEO title must be Unique. Otherwise, title duplication occurs. And results in cannibalism, that is a competition performed within the website.
  • A search bar is limited to 70 characters.

h1 and h2 Optimization 

If a page didn't have an SEO title. Then Google shows its content in h1 tag as a title. More than one h1 tag results in the sandbox. Sandbox is a temporary storage area. Google gets confused while caching when more than one h1 headings occurred. So google stores it into the sandbox. Websites dropped in the sandbox doesn't get any ranking. If h1 tag has no heading then Google goes to h2 tag. And shows heading in h2 tag as the title.

 Meta Tags

  • The content of the web page is given in the meta tag.
  • The character limit in the meta description of a page is 155 to 160. For a blog post, it is 155 characters. Because blog post shows its posted date.
  • Pixel width is limited to 1024 pixels.
  • Meta description must be unique.

Content Optimization

Content Optimization
  • Short sentences are preferred by Google. Long sentences are not SEO friendly. Because users can easily understand small sentences.
  • Readability Test is a test performed to determine the understandability of content.

Keyword optimization

Keyword Density: It is the percentage of keyword occurrence in content.
  • Focusing keyword in the starting of content helps to improve page rank.
  • For a large paragraph, giving focusing keyword in bold letters will improve the easiness of reading
  • Arranging focusing keyword before a comma or a full stop will help to improve the page rank.

Anchor Text Optimization

  • Anchor text is given inside anchor tag.
  • It is the most visible portion in content for google while crawling.
  • Anchor text improves the crawling of content.
  • Don't give focusing keyword as a link to another website.

Image Optimization

Image Optimization
  • The image tag is used to display an image.  
  • We can give descriptions for the image using the alt tag. This description helps Google to understand more about the image.
  • It is better to give a meaningful name as the filename of an image.
  • Avoid the use of white space in the file name of an image.
  • We can use hyphens in the place of white space.

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